
Regulators are coming, and the rumor is it's happening quickly.

Rumor has it that the Merchant Cash Advance industry is going to be regulated at a federal level soon with individual states to follow; We knew it would happen eventually- There is talk of granfathering ISOs in so long as they have six months in the industry, but they will be required to take a test. In addition ISOs will be expected to accumulate Continuing Education credits, similar to the Mortgage/Real-Estate industry.

There is a huge difference between a Merchant Cash Advance
-and a regular bank style business loan.

There are a number of differances- the first of which is that Merchant Cash Advances close in 5 to 7 days or less typically- a bank loan takes 60-100 days minimum. Another difference is the lack of documentaion it takes to aquire an advance vs a business loan via a bank- requirements below:

There is a NEW SHERRIFF in town and his name is Merchant Cash Advance.

Move over banks, this is our time, and there is no end in sight. The Merchant Cash Advance industry dates back to the early 90's, but it's now getting it's legs underneath it.

A GOLD RUSH is on. Banks are NOT lending businesses money. But ISOs in the Merchant Cash Advance industry are. The MCA/ACH industry accounted for less than 25% of money lent to businesses over the last 2 years. But in the next 2 years analysts believe the Merchant Cash Advance industry will be responsible for 50-75% of all MONIES lent to companies. We are on the verge of EXPLODING!
Now is the time to get on board. Businesses across America are just starting to get wind of this industry and they are consuming the Merchant Cash Advance industries money at an explosive pace. Wall streets economic advisors estimate that at this pace 3 to 5 years from today- (01-07-2015) The MCA/ACH industry will fund over 75% of all capital loaned to businesses NOT banks.
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A Compass Points North A Gold Rush
Is On
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Nash Bronco saved our family from a living Hell financially speaking. Thanks for the Intro In To The Industry Bret!>>>
Welcome to the Indsutry! I made over $39,000 within my first 30 days! Yes, this is what it appears! Thanks Mr. Martin- Mike Smithers CA >>>
The Merchant Cash Advance has changed my life, now 3 of my family members have joined me! Great stuff Nash Bronco, Great Stuff. >>>